Chris d’Lacey, author of ‘Fire Star’

Chris d’Lacey has published over twenty books for children.

He describes his first attempt at writing as “a gentle ‘Christmassy’ story” about polar bears which was aimed at adult readers.

He started writing children’s fiction after a friend suggested he enter a competition to write a story for nine-year-olds. The story he wrote for the competition became his first book, A Hole at the Pole — an environmental tale about a boy who wants to mend the hole in the ozone layer and enlists the services of a polar bear to help him.

His books have been translated widely and one of his novels for children was highly commended for the Carnegie Medal.

Chris d’Lacey spoke about his writing and his concerns as a writer.

Related article:

Chris d’Lacey [Interview], Conversations with Writers, May 28, 2007

281 Responses to “Chris d’Lacey, author of ‘Fire Star’”
  1. bobby says:

    Your third book in the fire series is the best I think. More action and more secrets revealed. and most of it wasn’t held in the pennykettles house. The only thing i think that was not very good in the book is that you made david die and that arthur controls david and the entire story was him writing it. I didn’t mind bergstorm and tooega dieing because they weren’t as important as david. anyways it was a great book i loved it.


      I LOVE THESE BOOK’S!!I HAVE ONLY READ Icefire THOUGH!!!I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK:DARKFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Jordan says:

        I read all of them, I love them! read Fire Star and the Fire Eternal, Fire Star is great and so is The Fire Eternal But you need to read Fire star to uderstand it or else you’ll just get lost


      Can you make or _T_R_Y_ to make a movie for the series?Cause I really like the book’s about these incredible dragon’s!

  2. Brianna says:

    i read your book called the fire within it was the best book i have ever read and now i am reading ice fire i am using them my best friend McKayla owns them she bought all three i tend to read all your books u r the best author in the world i have a few questions r u a boy or a girl when did u start writing stories and how do u get so many good ideas how old r u and last but not least where do u live i have never writin to another athor before u r my first and my favorite i am a girl i am 11 and i don’t really know wat url means but i will try my best to answer it corectlly so i have to go to school now so have a good day always i just want to tell u that i sleep with your books thats how much i luv them well g2g your biggest fan Brianna happy holidays merry christmas!!

  3. Sarah says:

    The dragon books are me favourite books ever, and Ive read them a lot of times already!
    The ending to ‘Fire star’ was very very sad. I actually cried! I can’t wait till the fourth one, ‘The fire eternal’. I’m desperate to ask you questions about it, but I won’t. I only want to ask one, which is when do you think it will be published?
    SARAH, your biggest fan age 10

  4. Tiffany Race says:

    Hi im Tiffany and i am a huge fan!!! i love your books The fire within, Icefire and Fire star. I heard you might be making a fourth book on it called The fire eternal but i didnt no if it was true i hope it is. i was wondering if it is when it will come out? well i have 2 go bye

  5. Hello folks,

    This is Chris d’Lacey, author of the dragon books. Thanks for posting your comments. Very interesting. I’m a man, Brianna, and today is my 52nd birthday. Yes, I am writing a fourth dragon book. It’s called The Fire Eternal. You can see the cover artwork on my website The events at the end of Fire Star did throw a few people, but I always let my books go where they want to, which can be hard sometimes. All I will say is David will be back in the next book, but he’ll be ‘different’ (don’t ask, you’ll have to read it next year). I’m almost certain that there will be a fifth book, with LOTS of dragon action. But that will be quite a wait. Happy reading. Bye!

    • Jade Taft says:

      right know i am reading Fire Star. I LOVE YOUR BOOKS Chris D’Lacey!!!! I’m your #1 BIGGEST fan.

    • Jade Taft says:

      I am now on PART 3 in the book Fire Star!!!!! I loveeeeee your books!!!!!!

    • Spencer Dawson says:

      Hi Chris! I am a huge fan of the Last Dragon Chronicles, and i hope you keep up the good work! i just finished Dark Fire last night, and i cant wait for the next book, Fire World! keep up the good work, and i hope you do good on your books!

  6. Maria Gold says:

    I’m Maria, and I just finished reading fire star and I think it is amazing(probably your best one yet). I heard about ‘fire eternal’ and I can’t wait. I have a few questions for you Chris.
    1. How do you come up with such good ideas, for your book plots?
    2. I plan to become a fantasy author myself one day, so do you have any tips?
    3. And last but not least, How many dragon books do plan to write?
    I think your the best author!!!

  7. Maria Gold says:

    It’s Maria again, and I have one more question. I have to write a school assingment on your book(fire Star), and would be the best way to discribe David, quick thinking, or witty?

  8. Robert says:

    You are my favourite author. I have all your dragon books on my favourites list. I am in the middle of your 3rd book, Fire Star. It is awesome! But when I was checking what your next book is coming out and what it’s called, I found out that you are 52 years old and that you kill off 3 (not 1, not 2, but 3!!!) people!! How could you? And especially David! I cannot believe it! I think that I know how you will bring David back. You will bring him back as a dragon I think. If you keep writing dragon books, you will be like J. K. Rowling. I think you have better books than the Harry Potter series. Write more books please!!! Also, do you have a name for the rest of your books? Or even any thoughts for names of books? Please tell all.

    – Robert
    YoUr BiGgEsT fAn In ThE wOrLd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S. E-mail me at the email given and tell me all! Please I beg of you!

  9. Maria Gold says:

    It’s Maria, and I was wondering how often do you usually reply?
    I think your a amazingly talented author, and I hope one day I’ll be as good an author as you are(you’re my idol)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    One more question what does url mean?

  10. kelsey says:

    hello this is kelsey i read your book fire star and i thought it was awsome i didnt know there was order so i dint read the others but i loved this one your a awsome author and im even doing a progect in school i have to find info. then pics. and make a slide show. i love your book and i hope you make another one i said on my report that i admire you for your great imagination and how you can write a story inside a story well thats all i g2g but your a awsome writer and i hope you keep writing.

    ps:dont give up keep writing

  11. kelsey says:

    its me agian one quick qustion how many books are you writing?

    YOUR AWSOME!!!!!!!

  12. Austin says:

    Austin says:
    Feburary 20th, 2007 at 10:07 p.m.
    I love all of your fantastic books! I’m a HUGE fan and I can’t wait until your next book comes out. I’m only on Firestar but I’ll be done soon.Keep writing!

  13. Pav says:

    YOU ARE SO GOOD AT WRITING YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Pav says:

    I can’t wait till fire eternal I KNOW IT”LL BE GREAT I HOPE DAVID COMES BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!!!11

  15. Pav says:


  16. Alisha says:

    I love your dragon books a whole lot. I have all of them so far. i just got Fire Star today so I am going to start reading it. I am a big fan of your books. You are my favorite author no doubt about it. Right now I am doing a biography on you. I can’t wait till The Fire Eternal comes out because I know it will be just as good as the rest of them. I got my best friend hooked on your books too. He thinks that they are great. My boyfriend thinks I am weird but if he would read them he would love you books too. Well good luck to you and thank you for being such a good insperation for me because I love writing stories too. Well I got to go.
    KEEP UP THE FANTASTIC WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. zachary says:

    I love the series.Iwas wondering are you going to make a movie about the books?That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!

    P.S.Happy really late birthday Chris

  18. zachary says:

    Zach agian.I am reading Firestar.Page 423,and i was wondering is Brother vincient(arthur)like David?I mean he writes and the stuff is true.So,thats my question.And I really hope you make a movie that would be sweet kind like Eragon.But more based on the book.

    P.s.when does the fire eternal come out?

  19. dragongrl says:

    Your stories r awesome. 1 thing though. Why did you have to kill David? And please don’t make him a dragon in your coming book.

    luv and kisses

  20. dragongrl says:

    Oh, did I forget to say I really luv your style? U have this really distict flair to ur writing that I am hooked on 2. I finished Fire Star, and I did shed a few tears at the end. I LUV DAVID! (CAPS LOCKS CANNOT EXPRESS MY FAN-GIRL OBSESSION) JK. not really. And please Mr. D’lacey, make David come back, changed, sure, but not a dragon.

  21. Jenna says:

    hello! your books are great, keep on writing! I can’t wait for the Fire Eternal to come out! to bad i have to wait! keep on writing!

  22. matt says:

    hey chris im so hooked on your books today i just finished Fire Star and im a guy and i cried! aw it was so sad how david just died in zanna’s arms saying i love you. by the way cant wait for the next one make david come back and im intrested about zanna having the baby lol well peace your the best ever man!

  23. Tarik b says:

    The book Fire Star is awesome, i just finished it, and i am already thinking of using your book for my essay. Can’t wait for the next book. (That is if there is another book)

  24. abby says:

    hi! i wanted to say that i just your dragon books. especially fire star. i can’t wait or the next ones to come out!unfortunately, i have to wait longer to get them(i live in the u.s.) :(
    thanks for writing them in the first place!!!!!

  25. abby says:

    hi! i wanted to say that i just love your dragon books. especially fire star. i can’t wait or the next ones to come out!unfortunately, i have to wait longer to get them(i live in the u.s.) :( thanks for writing them in the first place!!!!!

  26. owais says:

    Hello Chris. I really like your books and I can’t wait for The Fire Eternal. Please do not make David come back as a dragon . . . . that would ruin his partnership. Please email me back and I want to tell you to keep up your writing. Your books are very interesting. The ending of Fire Star was very sad and I was upset and I’m a guy! I really like your style of writing and the unique way you portray dragons in all your books, as gaurdians.

    Keep up the good work!!!


  27. Hi everyone. I had no idea there were so many comments posted on this site!! You have to forgive me for not responding to your queries cos I’m either writing, visiting schools, or answering email. If you want to ask a specific question, it’s best to mail me via my icefire website. I’m really pleased so many of you were so positive about FIRE STAR. It’s a strange book in places. I know several of you were upset about David, but he was never actually killed off and he does appear again in THE FIRE ETERNAL which has JUST been published. Lots of people ask me if the books will become movies. I don’t know, but I can tell you the books are with a film agent at the moment. So fingers crossed. Happy reading. Hrrr!

  28. Matt Balne says:

    Chris is my favourite author, too. I think ‘The Fire Eternal’ is the best in the ‘fire’ series so far, although I absolutely loved ‘Fire Star’, ‘Icefire’ and, of course, ‘The Fire Within’. Can’t wait to meet you, Chris! Keep up the fantastic work and I hope Dark Fire turns out to be just as amazing as the other four books. Take care, Matt :D

  29. Sam says:

    I Read fire eternal last night and it was absolutely amazing, I love all the books but this is my favourite so far,Mr D’Lacey you are my favourite author of all time and please say you’ll write a fith,sixth and twenty-eighth ‘dragon’ book coz i will keep readin these till i’m 50 ish. They r amazing! I’ve even got a pennykettle dragon, thats’ how far my devotion to you and your books stretches lol

  30. Sixth book, Dark Fire, being planned, Sam…

  31. Person says:

    When is Eternal Fire coming out ?? I really wanna read it…^^

  32. Person says:

    When is Fire eternal gonna b in america…or if it already is im gonna feel stupid…

  33. Sammy says:

    hi mister chris d’lacey i have read fire star and the fire within and am working on my speicel(yes i know its speled wrong.) dragon i know what he liooks like but i have to make him now his name is GORAN.


  34. Timmy says:

    sweet i thought firestar was the last book in the seris…..thats cool how there is another 1 ill have 2 looke 4 it >,< ^^

  35. fiona says:

    Hi Chris. My name is Fiona and I love your books! I have my own Dragons’ Den at home and I have made more than 15 dragons. I have a listening dragon, a potions dragon, a basketball dragon, a reading dragon, a tennis dragon, a guard dragon (this one is funny because it is holding a sword and shield), a dragon like Guinevere in The Fire Within (you know with it’s eyes closed and its paws together like a prayer), a wishing dragon (this dragon actually grants wishes!), a sleeping dragon, a REAL guard dragon (without the sword, you know), and a few more. I love making dragons, and all my inspiration comes from your books.

  36. fiona says:

    Does David die in Fire Star? And what’s up with Bonnington? Why does he become a tiger or leopard or whatever? Did David really die? I thought the arrows killed him? Will The Fire Eternal come to Australia? And what’s happening with Dark Fire? Is there going to be a seventh? I have a good idea for a title. The Fire Returns, or Within the Tear, or something like that. And is Gwillanna dead? Does ANYONE die? Zanna? Lucy? Liz? Any of the dragons? How is Gollygosh Golightly? Still healing? By the way I thought I’d let on a little secret. The dragons in my den MOVE. I saw my basketball dragon bouncing the ball, and my reading dragon keeps turning over the pages of its book.

  37. Rani says:

    i never knew about this sight, butyour books are amazing! just one question, when is THE FIRE ETERNAL coming out in America? I amd dying without knowing what happens next

  38. BBOO says:

    I can’t wait to read your fourth Dragon Book THE FIRE ENTERNAL it dosen’t come out in Canada until March/April(2008) and I’m bubbling in excitement!!!! I read on your website that you are starting a new series and that both the 2nd and 1st book are coming out in may. I read that the series start befor THE FIRE WITHIN. should be cool to read!!

    Does anyone know how many books he has sold??????????

  39. BBOO says:

    Oh yeah… Dark Fire should be out in 2009

  40. Amanda says:

    I normally dont like reading but your books are the BEST books ever!!!!!!!!
    I cant stand reading books cause they always seem boreing to me, but your books got more and more interesting as you went through!! I couldnt put the book down once I started reading it!!!
    Thank you for makeing such AWESOME stories!!!
    Keep up the great work!! ^_^

    I have onlly 2 questions for you
    1. Do you have a myspace page?
    2. If you do what is your myspace URL?

  41. Deano says:


    I do hope that you bring David back in “The Fire Eternal” and please could you tell me on how many books you plan on writing? You are a wonderful writer!!!!!!!!!! I have heard that you next book after “The Fire Eternal” is called “Dark Fire” is that true???

  42. BBOO says:

    OMG I need a Chris D’Lacey fix. Please can anyone tell me the official Release date of THE FIRE ETERNAL in the U.S and Canada. It should be soon cause the U.K got it in September!!

  43. Dylan says:

    Hey Chris d’Lacey when does The Fire Eternal come out because i’m a big fan and i know every other person sending replies is to but i just started the third book a couple of weeks ago and i can’t wait till i finish the third book and start to read The Fire Eternal. Well thanks for listening and if you could email me at [contact details withheld].

  44. Aaron says:

    i really love your “fire within books”. what would be really cool is if someone made a movie about your books. block buster!

  45. BBOO says:

    That’s odd CHRIS D’ LACEY posted a comment on Sept.17/07 that said DARKFIRE was the 6th book. But in his journal he wrote that the 5th Book was DARKFIRE not 6th cause like:


    or am I missing something… was THE FIRE ETERNAL book 5. I couldn’t be.. but please someone set me straight.

    DYLAN, there is still no U.S/Canada release date for THE FIRE ETERNAL as of today. I hope it gets announced soon!! He’ll be done DARKFIRE before we get the book lol

  46. BBOO says:

    Any INFO anyone??

  47. BBOO says:

    I have to have this by APRIL 2(my b-day)

  48. BBOO says:

    OH GOD!!!

    I HATE it when authors writ the next book in the series and make it 1 YEAR LATER ….It just bugs me!!!!

    2 of My Favorite authors have done that:

    Cornelia Funke(w/INKSPELL)
    Angie Sage(w/FLYTE)

    and I just found ot that THE FIRE ETERNAL takes place 5 YEARS LATER!!! Even worse..but oh well I’ll just have to live with it and hop DARKFIRE is like 20 years later lol

  49. A Fan says:

    Hi, at this very moment I am reading The Fire Eternal. It is not in the USA yet and I am still waiting for it here like everyone else. But I do have a copy from the UK. Yes we bought it from a bookstore in the UK in May of 2007. I have already read it once, and now I am reading it again. It is awesome. But I cannot give any details, I will just say that it only gets better with every book.

  50. BBOO says:


  51. BBOO says:


  52. BBOO says:

    I just wish THE FIRE ETERNAL would come out.Like the U.K has had it for 5 months like WHY THE WAIT!!!!! When it comes out and we all read it then we can start disscussing DARKFIRE!!!!!!!!

    Anyone got any news???

  53. Kayleigh says:

    Love your books I am wondering if you will write any more dragon books to follow from your latest one I will be gutted if you can’t
    please reply
    your number one fan

  54. BBOO says:

    For some strange reason, I can’t get onto to Chris’s website. Can someone please update me?

  55. BBOO says:

    Thanx but it said websit cannot be found *cry* Can you please update me?!

  56. Madison Perry says:

    Hi Mr D’Lacey!

    My name is Madison Perry and I LOVE your books about dragons. I love dragons, especially Gadzooks! My favorite book is Fire Star. I am in the fourth grade at woodland elementry school in Lee’s Summit Missouri. I am in student council and help out with extra activities for my school. I bet I can get my school to let you come talk to us kids about how to make books, and about dragons. You can bring an order form and sell a lot more of your dragon books when you are here. Please e-mail me the date if you want to visit, and remember, only if you want to, and have spare time.

    Oh ya, and if you can bring Gadzooks? Pretty please, with dragons on top! I also would love to know how to make clay dragons.

    Please don’t forget to e-mail me back so I can tell everyone. I have to discuss it with my school first, but I think they will like you and your books because they are interesting.

    Madison Perry

  57. aaron says:

    Hi chris! I love your books! I’v read The Fire Within, Icefire and Fire Star! I can’t wait for The fire eternal and dark star!(I don’t have them yet) And does bonnington die in dark star or fire eternal? And can I have your autograph please?

    ont canada
    sincerely, Aaron

  58. BBOO says:

    Um, aaron it’s DarkFire!

  59. Sarah says:

    OMG Cris D’Lacy I love your books!Like, is there truely a new book called dark fire????If so, Where can i get one????Please write TONS more books I love all of them!!!

  60. BBOO says:

    Oh People just release THE FIRE ETERNAL all ready!!! Man, why are we waiting so long! I read Fire Star like a year ago!!!!!!!

  61. BBOO says:

    Oh arronI think you mean Fire Star

  62. BBOO says:

    Chris D’Lacey: When will The Fire Eternal come out in Canada?

  63. BBOO says:

    Sarah, DarkFire is in the planning stages, as of November 2007 so he might have began working on it. He confirmed that it will have a black cover(“very striking” exact websit quote). So it won’t been instores until end of 2008 for U.K and middle of 2009 for U.S/Canada (I am guesing).

    I so want a copy of THE FIRE ETERNAL please someone tell me: When does it come out in Canada!!!!!!! I’m getting quite FRUSTRATED!!

  64. aaron says:


  65. aaron says:

    Hi again! It’s aaron, as you can probably tell.
    I’s there anymore new books out besides darkfire and the fire eternal?
    If there are, let me now!

    sicerily aaron

  66. aaron says:

    oops! sorry for misspelling the word “know” as “now”


  67. BBOO says:

    aaron, DarkFire isn’t out yet.

  68. Sorenity says:

    I think Fire Star was awsome!!! I am sooo happy that a grown up actually dosn’t think of dragons as fire breathing monsters! I am so excited when the next book comes out.


  69. oOIndigoOo says:

    Hi Chris~

    I am totally in LOVE with your books. They are so good! It just sucks that The Fire Eternal and Dark Fire won’t be coming out here in Canada for awhile. Right now, for Language Arts, I had to do a book report. I’m doing The Fire Within for my book, and it turns out so are 2 other people. There are only 24 kids in my class!!!Ok enough about me. Hope you do well with your writing!!

    (Just turned 13 years old)

  70. aaron says:

    Chris, whats taking so long for you to right back?

  71. aaron says:

    Sorry for bieng so impatient Chris…

  72. Hi aaron

    Chris sometimes drops by to answer questions. But there is no telling when he will do this next or how often he will do it.

    Probably the best thing to do, if you want quicker responses, would be to get in touch with him through his website

    All the best

    LRB Editor

  73. BBOO says:

    Hey y’all, finally got onto his website!!!! Thanx for the link!

    DISSAPOINTED: Latest book news is ; The Fire Eternal has been delayed and won’t be released in U.S/Canada until FALL 2008! WAHAT???? So CRAPPY!!!!

  74. Alexandria says:

    i just got the fire star two days ago and i already finished. i cant wait till the fire eternal comes out. i chech the book stores like every day. my friend told me about this website; it is so cool. i’m upset that we have to wait untill fall for, not only chris’s new book, but angie sage’s and cornelia funke’s new books too. :-(

  75. BBOO says:

    Actually Alexandria:

    InkDeath- April 7 2008 (Release date on Wikipedia for months)

    Queste- April 8 2008 (Confirmed-Available on AMAZON)

  76. sarah says:

    i CAN’T wait for FireEternal to come out!!!

  77. aaron says:

    When is the fire eternal comming out again?

  78. BBOO says:

    ANY NEWS???

  79. chyanne says:

    What is your favorite book that you have written? That you have read?

  80. Awesome says:

    I heard that the Fire Eternal will be released May 23, 2008 in the U.S., I don’t know about Canada though, sorry!

  81. Jake says:

    Hi Chris im Jake and I wanted to say that your dragon series are awesome! I read the 1st and the 2nd and im in the middle of the 3rd. I heard your going to write a 4th book called Fire Eternal. It sounds cool! Did David die in the book because I really want to know. I think he didnt. Also what is the yellow dragons name? I want to know. My favorite character is proboly G’reth. Is he the white dragon? Anyway keep on writing and youre my second favorite author. I hope you make a fifth book!

  82. Awesome says:

    Jake, Mr. D’lacey is making a 5th book, it’s name is Darkfire.

  83. Jazmin says:

    were does chris d’lacey get ideas for writing his books.let me know if u do.g2g. see ya

  84. BBOO says:


  85. Jessica says:

    I love your books so much! I am so happy I finally found something interesting to read. I want to get my hands on fire eternal so badly. Your books make reading fun! I hope you make more fire books thx!!!

  86. Kris says:

    one of the best styles ive seen, and also one of the most inspirational writers ive seen. also, when i read the 3rd post (Brianna), i actually almost laughed with joy because of how happy she was because of you, and i can imagine a lot more like her who love your writing, so… thank you for your inspiration and for bringing joy to so many people.

    Sincerely, Kris, age 14 (im a guy, was just affected by Chris D’lacey profoundly and felt that i should say somthing here)

  87. Hi everyone,

    you must forgive me for not keeping up to date with the threads on this site. The best way to contact me is via my website

    Just to keep you all in the picture. The Fire Eternal should be out in the USA and Canada around June. I can’t give you an exact date because I don’t know it. Publishers are often pretty cagey about these things, and they often change their minds anyway. TFE is my favourite of the four. I think it’s the best written, anyway. David survives, but he’s very changed, as you’ll see.

    Dark Fire will definitely be the FIFTH book. That was a typo when I said in one of my posts that it was the sixth. It will have a black cover, I hope, and should be stunning. Again, I can’t tell you when it might come out because it’s not written yet! Sometime in 2009 is the best estimate I can give.

    In the meantime, you might like to know that I’ve now completed four books in the Dragons of Wayward Crescent series. These are much shorter than the novels (about 10,000 words each) and are aimed primarily at 8-11 year olds. However, true fans of the novels will find much to like about them. David is not in these books. They are set in the time before he moves in with Liz and Lucy. They tell the stories of how some of the Pennykettle dragons came to be made. The first two are about GRUFFEN, the guard dragon from The Fire Within, and GAUGE, the timing dragon from The Fire Eternal. They are really good fun. They will be out in the UK in September. I don’t know about America and the rest of the world yet.

    The novels are in the hands of a movie agent at the moment and I am very hopeful that we might get movies made of the novels. But bear in mind this can be a LONG process.

    If any of you like music and are familiar with myspace, you can go and hear some songs on my page there:

    There is one called “The Fire Eternal”, just up, and another called “Fire Star” further down the playlist.

    Enjoy – and Happy Easter!

    Chris d’L. Hrrr!

  88. Awesome says:

    Kris, I think you meant to say the 2ND POST was Brianna’s.

  89. BBOO says:

    THANKYOU CHRIS!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! FOR JUNE!!!!!

  90. ryan says:

    I love your books. I just can’t put them down!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. BOBO says:

    Hello Chris,
    Hello, my class is doing reports on authors we had to read at least two or three of there books. I chose you because I like your books. There are some questions that I have that are unanswered and everywhere I look I can’t find an answer to them. If you would please put the answers on your web page then it would help me a lot so that I could get a good grade on my project. Also I really love your books. Okay here are the questions,
    1. Can you give a timeline of some important life events? Like when you got married, when you were born….
    2. What is your style of writing?
    3. What type of quotes do you say (not from your books) like look before you leap.
    Please answer this soon and thank you so very much.

  92. Thomas says:

    I love your books and I thought it was very sad when David died and I’M 12 and a BOY any way could you answer these questions

    1. when do you think DarkFire will come out

    2. how many books will there be

    3. why did you make david die i still loved the book and the ending but owell it was a great book

    4.can you tell me where to buy your new book The Fire Eternal in keller Texas

    thats all im looking forward to read your books bye

    ps toogeta was weird and where did you get the idea for the Fain commingleing

  93. Thomas says:

    please write back!!!

  94. basketballman09 says:

    How do you make those clay dragons everyone’s talking about, by the way, you are my favorite author in the whole WORLD!!! It would be awesome if I could get your autograph!!!:) :) :)

  95. basketballman09 says:

    Thomas, david doesn’t really die he just is changed, and he said the fire enternal should be out in June:)

  96. Thomas says:

    same here

  97. kevin Buck 10 years old says:

    Hi im kevin. i love he dragon books. i just finishd Firestar but i cant find fire eternal! i am actually tryng to w ritemy own book series right now. the first book is IronFang. its about a boy that is raised by wolves and since he cant hunt well he makes himself a pair of iron fangs that earn him the wolf name IronFang. but after he fails to avenge his leaders death he is banished. then with his friend he tries to stop fabio the evil shapeshifter. i thought it was kind of weird how David “died” but i thought it was a great twist!

  98. lizardyoga says:

    Hi Chris
    It’s Liz Gray here. We haven’t met for a while but I’ve been following your career with interest. My daughter used to like your books (she is now into teen, girly stuff). I’ve recently started a blog – if you have time, it would be great if you could visit and post a comment.
    Liz Gray, 50 3/4 years old

  99. lizardyoga says:

    Might be an idea if I put the address of the blog!

  100. Awesome says:

    Thomas, did you not see Mr. D’lacey’s comment?? He said that David SURVIVES.

  101. Thomas says:

    I know that he Dosnt “die” ok

  102. Brianna (13) says:

    I just brought The Fire Eternal and Read it, IT WAS Great BUT THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER ONE The Fire Eternal left so many questions please tell me there is another one.PLEASE.

  103. willow says:

    ok um you are so the best auther in the world omg witch book comes first icefire or fire within because i realy do not no but still you are the best auther in the world

  104. Alexander says:

    I LOVE YOUR DRAGON BOOKS!!! I’v read three and im reading the fourth, can’t wait until darkfire comes out in stores!

  105. Alexander says:

    The Fire Iternal is the best book i’ve ever read! IT IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s my favorite book on EARTH!!!

    P.S. It goes The Fire Within, IceFire, Firestar, The Fire Iternal, and DarkFire. I don’t know if there is going to be a 6th book but if there is somewone PLEASE tell me!

  106. BBOO says:

    I don’t understand what is taking so long for a North American Release because it was out in the U.K September 2007 and Now it’s June 2008, 9 months have passed,still no book in Canadian stores. I JUST WANT THE BOOK!!!!

  107. Shelby says:

    Hey, Chris,

    You are the best children’s author I’ve ever read, I first saw one of your books in my school’s book fair, and the cover hooked me enough to read the summary on the back and the first few pages, and I instantly fell in love with the series. It was the first book I bought from my school’s book fair that wasn’t a comic book. Then before I could read it, I realized that it was the third book in the series, so I picked those up at the library, first. Now I’m jumping up and down waiting for the United States release of the Fire Eternal, please hurry up and get it here soon!!

  108. BBOO says:

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that my friend was taking his aunt to airport in the U.S yesterday and saw “The Fire Eternal” in stores!!!!!! For Canadians (like me), “The Fire Eternal” is available for PRE-ORDER in most book stores and will be released on JULY 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my sister are so excited! whoooooooooo

  109. Sam says:

    Hi CHris,
    I have bought all four books so are. I got Fir Eternal this morning and could not put it down once I started reading it. I have to say that you are the #1 top artist in my top 3. I wish I had the money to buy a “Pennykettle” dragon. I finished the book and I am a little confused at what had happened. How did David get back? What happened to the Ix Fain? What happened to Liz and Arthur’s baby? and lastly is Gwillan safe? Im expecting these things will be revealed in the next book. Looking forward to Dark Fire!

    -Sam W.

    P.S. the website address is just my band’s site. I am guitarist and lead composer. Check us out!

  110. Kaitlyn M says:

    Hi, I am in love with your books, and im 15. I didn’t even realize they were childrens books until I looked up on them more. Im from Ontario Canada, and I’m in the middle of “The Fire Eternal” I’m getting weird feelings about Tam, but I’ll just have to keep reading to find out if hes good or not. From reading these books, I have grown on the characters, especially David. He is awesome. You are a very amazing, and extremely talented author. I kind of want to see a movie, but I kind of don’t. Books are always waay better then the movies, and the characters most likely wont look the same as I imagine.
    P.s. I love how you end your posts with Hrrr. :]

  111. Sophie says:

    Mr. D’Lacey
    Thank you so much for writing all of these books my mom and I are arguing about whos gonna read the fire eaternal first. I really love the books and I would love it if you would tell us the release date for the books about wayward cresent please tell us.


  112. Alex says:

    Hello Chris,

    So I started reading The Fire Within and Icefire a very long time ago I think when they frist came out. And a few years later i bought Firestar and it sat with the other two books for a few months. (please dont be mad it gets better I promise) So then the other day (literally) I was dusting off my poor neglected books for I havent much time to read, and I have been on a writing rampage lately (yes I love to write and I am actualyl going to go to college for journalism and someday hopefully I will write a book of my own), when I ended up staring at Firestar. It was literally poking out at me and I thought “you know what? I havent had the time to read this book! I should!” But when I started reading I realized that I didn’t really remeber much from your other two books. So I actually took less then two days and finshed reading the fire within and icefire and of course I must sya that they were wonderful reads again, and then yesterday, I toko the whole dya and finshed Firestar. I must say it was an awesome book and now I am anxious to go out and by the Fire Eternal! I have always loved Dragons and when I came upon your books I was so excited! Especially when David’s Dragon Gadzooks was a writing Dragon and I love to write! It is probably one of the only talents I have and when I come upon really aweosme books like yours, it inspires me to write more! So thank you for that and thank you for your awesome stories! Can’t wait to read the Fire Eternal!

    Yours Truly,

    Alex G

    P.S. I don;t really have a website to give you. I do write for but I havent posted on that for awhile and the sotires that I do have on thier I don’t think are very good right now for I havent done much ot them in a few years.

  113. Joshua says:

    I’m joshua. I enjoy reading your dragon series. i can see that every book has a more secrative secrat. from the fire within to icefire then to Firestar. You must know i love reading. Whenever i start a book, i could not stop! I like how your stories link back together at the end. but, i think your endings of the books should end with a cliffhanger( a part when you cant stop reading). However, im very impressed with your books. looks like J.K. Rowling needs to learn a bit from you! I hear that you are making The Fire Enternal and Darkfire- I cant wait!
    p.s. Thanks for your stories
    p.s.s sorry, havent got a web!


  114. Joey as in Girl says:

    Ah hello Mr. D’lacey. (thank god for this website)
    i’ve read almost every book (not boasting ok?) in my school’s library and i found the fire within, icefire, firestar and i started reading them. THEY WERE SO GOOD I COULDN’T STOP READING EVEN WHEN MY MUM CAME CALLING ME TO BATH! *embarrassed*
    now i’m trying to find the fire eternal in the school library. I mean, i hope you could write some more books. I REEEEALLY want to read some more of your books! PLz!
    thanks for reading.


    P.S. Remember, I’ll always keep supporting you even though if you stopped writing books. But hopefully you will keep writing more?

  115. Joey as in Girl says:

    ah, sorry, one more question.
    is there a book called Dark Fire coming out? or did it come out already? plz tell me i’m excited like, well, most excited, anyway.

  116. BBOO says:

    Hey all on Chris’s website it says “The Fire Eternal” is no available in Canada and US!

  117. Awesome says:

    The Fire Eternal is available in the U.S.!! I’m going to get it right now! =)

  118. BBOO says:

    Ur…Chris’s website is wrong sorry i told u that “The Fire Eternal” will (as planned) be released on July 1st in Canada!

  119. Awesome says:

    Actually, it was in bookstores, I have the book and I finished it last night. It was the best so far!

  120. BBOO says:

    oh..o.k well July 1st is just canada or are u canadian?

  121. BBOO says:

    ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! “The Fire Eternal” comes out tommorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I’m gettin’ it!!!!!

  122. Kaitlyn M says:

    So, I’ve finished “The Fire Eternal” and It was amazing, but the ending left me with a billion questions, seriously, like you can’t just throw that at me!, but lol, it’s ok, because now I’m extremely excited for “Dark Fire” but it’s gunna be a while for it to come out. Aaand please please please, make more after that, I dont care if you end up having 20 of the books, ill read them all. Oh and I’m making a Gadzooks. Its gunna be sweet.

  123. BBOO says:

    I GOT IT ON JULY 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  124. BBOO says:

    I’m on page #201 of THE FIRE ETERNAL ,so far this is how i rate it compared to the other books(but i still have 304 pages to go lol):

    2.The Fire Eternal
    3.The Fire Within
    4.Fire Star

    Does anyone know if DARKFIRE has been started????? I want it to be the last book because I’m already 12 and when DARKFIRE comes out I’ll be 13/14 and it’ll be below my reading level so I hope DARKFIRE is the last book and i hope it will be long and full of action.
    Also, does anyone know when the first book in the DRAGONS OF WAYARD CRESENT series will be released?

  125. G'oreal says:

    Wow I seriously love the series…..and I can say the same for a lot of my friends too. I think Chris’ writing actually has a lot of technique and skill, and I hope he continues to write. I would like to ask if there’s going to be a sixth book? And I think Dark Fire is coming out in the spring next year?

  126. amber says:

    ive read each book about 100000 times there e=amazing especially fire eternal i like alexa

  127. amber says:

    i think its silly just because the books are to young for your age group to whih it was the last or stop reading them

  128. BBOO says:

    Amber, how old are u(i don’t think you are my age- or u would understand)? I think alduts and young kids reading them seems normal but when you are a teenager reading books about dragons (which i do all the time!) then you might get teased thats all i was sayin’…I’m luky cause i have a grama in England and she promsed she would send DARKFIRE when it comes out so i don’t have to wait till the U.S/Canada release!

  129. BBOO says:

    Hi everyone i was so busy i fogot to post about THE FIRE ETERNAL! i finished last week and it is the best THE best THE BEST(!) book BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!! It was better than ICEFIRE which i didn’t think was possible and a lot nicer to read than FIRESTAR which i didn’t like that much…
    Now im tiredlessly trying to finish “Eldest” by Christopher Paloini before “Briingr” comes out i’m also ready PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS book 3: THE TITANS CURSE

  130. tabitha says:

    ok i’m upset i found out that there was going to be a 5th book and when i did i tried looking it up who knows how many times and didn’t find a thing someone please help me!

  131. BBOO says:

    ^ His ebsite journal explains some things. Darkfire is going to be a dark book. He said there is going to be a battle. Right now, he said the book is going slowly and the UK won’t get it till 2009

  132. Galicious says:

    Hey Chris, I really like your books, and notice the humor, like when David was looking for a squirrel book in The Fire Within, Mr.Bacon was telling him the names of authors like A.N Utter… A nutter?????

  133. Gwelpe (dragon name!) says:

    =D hello from Utah! I really really love your books and i thought it would be inconciderate to be such a big fan and not express my loves for your books! keeeeep writing!!!! i recently bought ‘the fire eternal’ and i am already leaping off the walls for the next book! are you writing another book? =( if you arent, i will be uber super sad! please keeeeep writing! the world loves your books!
    sincerly your friend,
    p.s. Hrrr!

  134. BBOO says:

    Galicious, did you mean your name to be Girlicious the girlgroup?

  135. Blake says:

    I think it would be super awesome if you had blockbuster make your dragon series into a movie(or movies). Would it be possible for me to get my own clay dragon, because i’ve been begging godith( :) ) for one ever since i touched “The Fire Within”. i really want you to write “DarkFire”.


  136. Blake says:

    p.s. I just finished “The Fire Eternal”.

    p.s.s. I keep hoping that if i join all the books together your writing will come true like David’s.

  137. Blake says:

    p.s.s.s. when i said it would be cool for you to have blockbuster make your books a movie i forgot blockbuster only sells movies, so change blockbuster with Dreamworks.

  138. Blake says:

    i want to change my name to Gazooks(Gadzooks’s cousin) :)

  139. Gazooks(Gadzooks cousin!) says:

    i read every book up to the fire eternal and now every time i blink i see Gawain or Gawain’s fire tear.

  140. the fire eternal fan says:


    i loved ur books especialy the dragon ones(the fire within ect.) i just think ur the best writer. i really enjoyed reading ur book. i finished ur series in 5 days. it was the 1st best series i hav ever read (tied with Harry Potter). well thats all.

    P.S. wats the nest book called i herd roumers that it is called dark fire. please mail me and tell me. :) peace out ;)

  141. Stacey says:

    Hey Chris,
    I loved your books. I read The Fire Within last year and i bought Fire star last year but i didnt seem to understand Firestar coz i didnt read the Ice fire yet
    anyway i bought icefire on sunday and finished it on Monday and i read firestar and finished it yesterday, which was wednesday and now my mom bought me Fire eternal and now im reading it. I always loved dragons and books and ill never forget the day i read the Firewithin. THank you for ur books and THank God too,GOD BLESS IN WRITING DARKFIRE and im looking forward to it.
    P.S. im from the Philippines and im a chinese
    ^ _ ^

  142. Stacey says:

    oh yeah to continue wat i like about your books is that if you miss one book you wont understand it and that your stories are a mystery and it will be revealed in d next book your d only author thats name i remember(exept he BIBLe God wrote it) and you books are my favorite

  143. Stacey says:

    by the way im 12 going 13 on Nov. 14

  144. Grace says:

    Hey Chris!
    I just found this site and i think that is so cool that i can talk to you! Any ways i love to write books just like you and some of my favorite books you wrote was the “Fire Star” Series! I never knew about the fourth book and now i have two books to get! “Brisingr” And “The Fire Eternal”! I was just maybe hoping that you could give me some tips on how to write books because whenever i write a book their always seems to be a sad or bad part in it making the character have a problem or a situation and i want to get rid of that habit! I mean look at Fire Star! Your an amazing writer and what i guess im trying to say is Is it okay if you give me some tips on writing? Please? By the way im 11 years old and turning 12 in Dec.

  145. Grace says:

    By the way i live in the U.S and I LOVE Fantasy books so that makes your dragons books my number one favorites!

  146. Grace says:

    Here is the beginning of one of my stories i just started.It has fantasy and romance in it. hope you like it!

    A Single Lily

    The river flowed without stopping for a breath. The fish darted around. The peach blossom tree’s petals fell to the ground with a twirl. The wind rustled her hair. Her rosy cheeks stood out in the sunlight. her eyes closed with satisfaction. Everything went black. All she could see was a single Lilly floating down and landing into a still pond with a few ripples. She opened her eyes and looked at the river with longing. she stood from her small hand made bench and she turned to leave. before she did though two words escaped her lips. ‘Some day.” She said and then she walked away her blue skirt flowing in the gentle wind.

  147. Jordan says:

    Are you making the books into Movies?Like Harry Potter? BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  148. Grace says:

    Here is the second Para. Some of the ideas i got from your book Fire Star.

    She walked down the sidewalk humming a small tune. she was a peaceful girl with flowing brown hair and Ice blue eyes. Her name was a mystery to every one. She Stopped humming and walked up to a small house that had only two floors on it. “Home.” she said letting out a happy sigh. She walked up to the door and took out her keys that jangled in her hand. she unlocked the door and stepped in only to find that her black cat had already been sleeping there. He hissed in anger and flew away from the doorway in anger. “Sorry Jay!” She called after the cat. She heard him hiss in the living room. She walked into the kitchen and seated herself down on her favorite chair. Then she started to read the mail. Her eyes scanned the paper and she looked at the bills in discuss. :Dang gas prices are always raising.” She mumbled to herself. Suddenly she heard the screech of familiar tires. she looked up and out the window to see a bus at her driveway and a young girl walking off the bus smiling with a big backpack on her back. Rena her daughter was home. She got out of her chair and walked outside to greet her. Her daughter rammed into her and hugged her tightly. “How was school sweat pea?” She asked giving her a kiss on the cheek. “It was amazing! Everyone was so nice to me! My teacher Mrs.Gretta gave me less homework because i was new!” She said jumping in her mother’s arms. She smiled. “How are you supposed to be as smart as me if you have barely any homework!” She teased. She laughed and grabbed her daughter’s hand. “Come inside and i’ll make you some hot chocolate.” She said still smiling. Her daughter smiled back at her and the two walked into the house. Jay bolted into the kitchen as soon as he smelled the chocolate milk being made. “Sorry Jay you can’t have chocolate today!” She said petting his soft fur. Jay ignored her and stood on his hind legs and placed his paws on her leg. ‘Sorry Jay!” She said shooing him away.

  149. terry jury says:

    i love your books. i read the first three about two years ago. and then agin this year and this time it only took me three days to read all three and now im on the fourth one the fire eternal and so far its great. i cant wait for dark fire to come out. or Gruffen
    (the Dragons of Wayward Crescent) comes out. thank you for your time.

    terry jury

  150. Kaden says:

    I am so glad i found this website i have read all the fire within books and there the best!!!

  151. Ben says:

    Dude, i think your books are a real piece of work. my favorite series ever. it blows by lotr (lord of the rings) surpasses christopher paolini’s Eragon and eldest (though both are extremely good books) and even the redwall series is blown back by this awesome series. i am waiting to get fire eternal, it is the first thing im buying with my birthday money. it’s my birthday tomorrow. Well, that’s all.
    P.S- i know from experience that people like you are busy quite often, but a simple happy birthday from you, my favorite offer, would be sure to put a smile on my face. i hate to impose.

  152. Kaden says:

    happy birthday ben

  153. Liz says:

    I really enjoyed The Fire Within series. I got the last two books for my 11th and 12th b-day and i borrowed the first two from my school library. They are absolutely brilliant. Even my mum enjoyed them. Which is surprising because she can never find a truly satisfying book.

  154. Kaden says:

    im hoping theres going to more news on dark fire

  155. Grace says:

    Me too. Hey do you guys like my book? Here is the first chapter. That was the prologue.

    Chapter 1: What’s that?

    It was a snowy morning. With the sidewalks packed with snow and the cars hidden under a thin layer off snow. A laughter filled the air as young Rena bolted out of the house and jumped into the snow. An older looking woman known as Lyla walked out of the house, a thick coat wrapped around her and a steaming hot cup of tea in one hand. She smiled as her daughter layed down on the ground and made tiny snow angles. A dark blur darted out of the house and then darted back into the house. Lyla laughed as Jay poked his head out the door and shivered. “That’s right i forgot. This is your first snow isn’t it Jay?” she said reaching down and stroking his back. he purred but kept his multi-colored eyes on the white and shining snow.

  156. Christopher says:

    Have you ever been offered a movie deal? Because your books are awesome.

  157. Katie says:

    Dear Mr. D’Lacey,
    Hi! I know you probably get tons of fan letters like mine, and just scrolling down this page proves me correct! I just finished THE FIRE ETERNAL and I was holding my breath in anticipation for the last chapter. You REALLY scared me there; I was convinced that David wasn’t coming back! I just wanted to thank you for writing for us! I am so glad to learn about the next book! I was afraid that you had finished the series!! My second favorite book series ALEX RIDER, the author decided not to write anymore! I was devestated! I thought you were done, too! Thanks for not ditching us! Thanks!

  158. Grace says:

    I wish someone would tell me if they like my story or not… -sigh-

  159. Kaden says:

    i like your story

  160. Alivia says:

    I just finished The Fire Eternal.I loved it I love dragons and i saw the Icefire at my book fair i read the first chapter and couldn’t put it down. Just as i finished it i begged mya t get me the rest d he got me the 3rd and 1st and just as i was getting them i saw The Fire Eternal and my dad no.Thenmy dad left or work and two weeks afte i got it (dad is in Omon o egypt or somewhere)Is i rue that you argong to make a 5 one called Dark Fire

  161. Brett Daniels says:

    the fire within was a really good book. I had to choose a book for a report and I chose the fire within because it looked really exciting to read and it was.I am looking forward to read the fire star keep writing books like that, because if you do they’ll all be a big hit.
    thank you for your time

  162. samuel says:

    Hi my passion is with writing mr D’lacey im 12 yet i have a reading level of an 21 year old i love your books when i first read white fire u felt like i was david in the story i have wanted to become a succesful writer such as yourself but i dont have the time i have bought all your books i am currently reading The Fire Eternal.I was wondering if you could write another dragon book?.My favorite dragon would have to be G’reth i suggest u call the next possible book Dragons Breath. I alo have gotten my parents to join a global warming protest group but my dad tys to sudy the polar bears when he can but my bro disturbs him so i love your work plz write another book im in Australia and its hard to find your books if u can write to me i live at 8 arkins cresent goodna ipswich 4300. so see ya im looking forward to the rest of the book im reading .Bye Bye:).

  163. samuel says:

    Hi mr D’lacey i love your work im 12 years old i have a reading age of 27 years old i have got all youre books i am currently reading The Fire Eternal.I have wanted to be a succesful writer like u but i dont have time right now.I also feel deeply about our earth and how we affect it i dearly love polar bears and i try to study the even though i live in Australia i love youre books a suggestion if u gonna do another book it could be called Dragon’s walkway when i read ur books i feel as if im david my fav dragon will have to be G’reth plz write another book:).

  164. samuel says:

    soz i got my reading age muddled.

  165. Liem says:

    Chris D’Lacey, I just have to say…. WOW
    Your books are so awesome, I’m age 13, and started reading them at age 11. I just finished The Fire Eternal (I read fast), and I think out of the 4, Fire Star was the coolest <3. I can’t wait till Dark Fire comes out, you left us with a HUGE cliffhanger, with David appearing <3

  166. kaden says:

    Chris D’lacey i have read all your books and love the dragons. Im 12 and im at a univesirty reading level and love to write. i have been to a writers converence and hopefully going to a second. My faverorite animal is the polar bear.

  167. Grace says:

    thanks. I wander what Chris would say about it…

  168. kaden says:

    maybe he would say keep writing

  169. kaden says:

    i dont think darkfire will be coming out near my birthday

  170. Grace says:

    Im sorry to hear that Kaden. Im trying to think of what to write next but i keep getting stuck! it’s frustrating! I have yet to finish a book that’s typed on the computer and is NOT for school. Im making a 15-16 page memoir about my dog Chelsey(dead) for school.

  171. Is tghe Icefire and The Fire eternal related at all?

  172. kaden says:

    well grace i think (for your storie) that u should have something like…….. it could be near christmas and renas father gets in a accident. nobody knows what happened but lyla is hiding something and rena notices it. Rena one night decides to go down stairs to see what her mother is doing, she opens the door to her moms office and finds her talking to someone in the mirrior on her desk. the person in the mirrior has a deep voice and is talking to fast for rena to hear………… does that sound good

  173. Grace says:

    ooc: Sounds great! Except her father is already dead… And the mother’s name is Serene.

  174. kaden says:

    Okay then maybe her uncle

  175. Grace says:

    I think i will just put this.

    Rena suddenly sneezed and looked at her mother. Serene’s face softened. Her daughters face had rosy cheeks and flashing emerald green eyes like her. Her little nose was slightly red from the cold and her brown hair lifted slightly as a soft breeze brushed their chapped lips. “Come here sweetheart and let me put some chap stick on your lips.” She said, smiling. She watched as her daughter stood up and ran over to her. She stuck her hand in her pocket and fished out her chap stick. She popped the cap and she rubbed some on her daughter’s lips. “What’s wrong Rena?” She asked, seeing the sad look on her daughter’s rosy red cheeks. ” I wish daddy was still with us.” She said, tears gathering at the corner of her eyes. She cupped her hands around her daughter’s chin and lifted her head up so she was facing her. “I miss him too, but we have to let go of things sometimes.” she said, still smiling. Her daughter nodded her head and whipped away the tears on her cheeks.
    She smiled and they walked into the house, hand in hand.

    She set the cup of hot coco in front of her daughter and ruffled her hair. “I got to go and check on the drying clay.” She said, lightly kissing her on the forehead. She nodded her had, to in-crossed in trying to get Jay to eat a marshmallow without getting some of it on his nose. She walked up the stairs slowly. She was thinking about what to do for Sunday morning. Suddenly she felt something. It was as if something was faintly pulling her towards the clay room. She picked up speed and burst into the room. She saw a faint image in the mirror where she made designs around her clay models. She ran up to it and she heard a faint voice. She looked closer into the mirror. Soon the image became more clearer to reveal an Arctic man. She smiled at him and pulled up a chair. She started talking in rapid Inuk. Her mother had been an Inuit before she had married her father, a man from New Jersey’s shores. So she had obtained the ability to speak a good variety of words in Inuk. Her father had charmed her mother with the sea’s gifts. Sea glass, shells, and much more. He smiled at her warm face and started to speak with her.

    Rena, having given up trying to feed Jay a marshmallow, heard her mother talking upstairs. Out of sheer curiosity, she started to climb the stairs. She flinched when they groaned in protest. She had skipped several stairs before she finally reached the top landing. She tip toed over to the clay room’s ajar door and peeked inside. She saw her mother, staring into the mirror, and talking to it. This made her freeze with shock. Her mother was thoroughly interested in fantasy things, but she wasn’t crazy! She listened carefully to what she was saying, but she didn’t understand half of it! She wondered what language they were talking in. Suddenly, she heard a word that sounded familiar. She thought of when she had heard it. It had been when her mother was telling the story of the polar bear goddess, Marathi.Nanuk. That had been the word. Suddenly she heard another word she recognised. Amarok. Meaning wolf. She cringed. What was her mother talking about? And why was she talking to a mirror? She thought sadly, still staring at her mother.

    Suddenly she felt a sneeze coming on. She scrunched up her face, and before she could stop herself, she sneezed. Her mother jolted out of her chair and turned towards rena. She squeaked and ran down the stairs and jumped onto the sofa and turned to TV on quickly. She already had an alaby playing in her head.

    Lyla bolted down the stairs and into the living room monly to find her daughter peacefully watching Winnie the Pooh. She sighed a sigh of relief and she walked back up the stairs, still getting over the shock of seeing her daughter spying on her. Then, she remembered the Inuit and she raced into the clay room saying sorry several times in Inuit to the angry Inuit. She sat back on the chair and sighed. The Inuit saw that she was stressed and suddenly, he disapeared. She looked around her clay room, searching for something to keep her mind off things. Suddenly, something shining caught her eye. She stood up and walked over to one shelf nstuffed with clay models of wolves and polar bears. She parted some wolves and she smiled. Their in front of her was an anburn colored wolf hide. When she was young, her mother had given her to the grey wolf tribe to learn their ways. As she grew, the chief of the clan had given her her tribe and a hide to put on her clothes whenever she was around other tribes to show that she was not a white man. She smiled as she picked up the wolf hide. I was warm and it gleamed in the sunlight that poured through the window.

    Lyla closed her eyes and her lips moved soundlessly. Suddenly the aburn wolf fur glowed a faint blue and then it floated to the top of the shelf and then, it fell onto the top shelf and disapeared behind the clay wolves and scrolls,she stumbled back into her chair. it had been years since she used magic to levitate something. She looked at her clay models with a dreary and tired look. All of her failed attempts to bring one to life with magic. She sighed and leaned against the wall, still in her chair. She had been worried about her daughter. She was at the age of when she started to use magic without control over it.

    Hows that?

  176. Hi guys, this is a message from the man himself. Every now and again I latch onto this blog and I’m amazed to see how much interactivity there is. I can’t tell you what it means to me to see all these fabulous comments about the books. I notice a lot of you talk about DARK FIRE. Well, to bring you up to date, it’s not finished yet but it’s getting there. Over 60,000 words written. It won’t be published until September 2009 – simultaneously worldwide, I hope. I’ve seen roughs of the cover and it’s looking even more impressive than the others. David is back, big time, in this story, but life is not easy for him. You’ll see. My American editor begged me to come up with a series title because so many fans like to refer to a series that way. So I invented THE LAST DRAGON CHRONICLES as the books are really about Gawain and what happened to him when he died – or did he? Anyway, keep on reading. Keep on blogging. And keep an eye on my website, too. That’s where you’ll see all the latest news about the novels and the new spin-off series beginning next year, THE DRAGONS OF WAYWARD CRESCENT. They are fun.

    best wishes and hrrr!

    Chris d’Lacey

  177. victoria says:

    hi this is victoria I have read four books of the Dragon series, their all great i hope there’s another book after The Eternal Fire! :) Again your a great book writer, say hello to Gadzooks for me. LOL!

    I have but two questions.

    1. Where did you come up with all the charater’s names?

    2. Why does most of the characters have names that start with G like Gadzooks, Grockle. Guvinevere, Gruffen, Gawain, Gwendolen, G’reth, G’lant, Godith, Gretel, Grace, Gwilanna, Gudrun, G’oreal, Gollygosh, Ghislaine, Gauge,

  178. kaden says:

    grace that is really good ive started my own story since the last time i wrote and now im stuck, all i got is the prologue

  179. kaden says:

    that was great grace. Ive started my own story but ive only got the prologue because im stuck this is it………………..Prologue
    “Hello” says Renee; “hello Mrs. Hillia” says a mysterious voice. “I am to inform you that your husband is missing, I am very sorry for your loss”. “This is a joke right” says Renee but the person has already hung up. Renee decides to think nothing of it and gets a glass of her favorite drink “lemonade” and goes to the big copper couch in front of the T.V. Renee grabs the remote and turns on the T.V and goes to channel three(the news channel). The news channel was Renee’s favorite channel because it always told what was going on around the world, but that was about to change tonight. Renee sits down and the commercial ends. “We have tragic news tonight; Famous Robert Hillia has gone missing in the arctic on an expedition and has not been found” says the reporter “search teams have been sent out across the arctic to find Mr. Hillia before a tragic storm kicks in”. Renee drops her glass and it smashes on the floor, “no” she whispers and falls over on the couch. “Mom!” shouts Renee’s son Connor running down the stairs.

  180. white fall says:

    hello chris i like ur books david is my favouret in ur books! I cant believe he became like that its so awusoume i own all ur books and i cant wait till ur next book the dark fire to come out in canada i bet it will be a great hit!

  181. Grace says:

    Thanks! And that is really good! Hey Chris! It’s good to finally see your post on here. I literally hugged my brother! (which rarely happens at all!) I hope you like my stor She opened her eyes and she heaved a sigh. Her gaze wandered over to a small wolf that was sitting on it’s haunches and howling. It was supposed to be Rena’s first magical item. It would grow into an adult wolf as she grew and it would be her guardian. She smiled. Rena’s birthday was coming up and she was going to be so happy when she sees the small wolf pup come to life in front of her eyes. Maybe a little shocked too. She had been trying and trying to bring it to life, but she has yet to succeed. Maybe if she visited her old home… She shook the idea away. No. She would never go back to her old home. It was to sad and it held to many bad memories.

    She looked out her window and jumped in shock. The moon was high and the stars were shining bright. I must have been sitting here for hours! She thought warily. She walked out of the clay room and down the hall to her daughter’s room. She was surprised to hear a faint snoring sound coming from inside. She opened the creaky door as quietly as she could and she smiled when she saw Rena’s beautiful brown hair in a mess on her pillow. She slowly backed out of the room and she closed the door. Her daughter was becoming more of an adult every day. She smiled and she walked over to her room and she flopped onto her bed with a grunt. Her eyes drooped wearily and without a second thought, she fell fast asleep.

    Chapter 2: It’s Alive!

    “Mom! Mom! It’s my birthday! Wake up! Wake up you sleepy head!” Her eyes flickered open and she smiled when she saw her daughter’s face staring at her with intensely green eyes. “Mommm!” Rena whined. “I want to open my presents now!” She said, jumping of her bed. She flashed an tired look at her daughter and she sat up in her bed. She sighed. “Wait for me to get in my bathrobe and then we can open them. Okay?” She asked quietly, still waking up. “Sure mom.” She said, walking out of the room and jumping down the stairs. She yawned and she stretch her arms. She got out of bed and she wrapped herself in an aqua bathrobe and she shuffled out of her room and onto the stairs. When she reached the landing she smiled when she saw her daughter in the living room looking with a pained looked at all of the presents sitting next to the fireplace. “Go ahead you monkey.” She laughed.

    Here is chapter two!

  182. Lydia says:

    I luv the fire eternal!!! i cant wait till dark fire, when will dark fire be released?

  183. kaden says:

    wow ur good grace. I got writers block, i am stuck on my story. All i got is one paragraph since the prologue

  184. Grace says:

    Im getting The Fire Eternal today from my school book fair for only $5.99! It’s so cool! Im also getting the new book Seekers for $9.99!

  185. kaden says:

    What is this book about seekers? , I think i might know it

  186. kaden says:

    i found the book about seekers. Its about bears which is wicked.

  187. Grace says:

    I agree. Have you ever read the book Heir Apparent? it really good. hey Chris! I just read The Fire Eternal! It’s really good.

  188. kaden says:

    Heir apparent, no i havent.

  189. NDS Online says:

    Hi Chris!

    Almost everyday, my 8th class talks about what they think will happen in Dark Fire. I have just finished The Fire Eternal, and I love it. Good luck writing!

    P.S. Could we see some pictures of the planned Dark Fire cover?

  190. Gadzooks says:

    Do u know if your books are going to be movies

  191. Matt says:

    Hey I’m almost finished with the Fire enternal. It is awsome can’t wait till Dark fire is out.

    P.S. Could I nkow what this one is about.

  192. travis says:

    this series is awsome im almost finished the books u da man chis

  193. Lenny says:

    Hey, I really enjoy your books. They are amazing. I cant wait until DarkFire comes out, of course since I am in America I will have to wait a bit longer. :) But I will bear through that. I am in high school and probably hence one of the oldest posters on here. But that doesnt matter.
    Anyways I am really excited about reading your new small series of books even though they are for younger age groups. Whats wrong with reading something easy and entertaining once in awhile :)
    Well, good luck with writing

  194. Austin says:

    Hi Chris, I’ve read the fire within, icefire, firestar, and im just reading the fire eternal! i love your books!!! (actually I emailed you one time) and hehe yesterday was your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHRIS!!!!

  195. Austin says:

    and again, is white fire part of the dragon series?

  196. Grace says:


  197. Nick says:

    Hi Chris,
    I read the dragon series and I think That it is the best series ever written. I even purchased two of Val Chivers dragons. Now I’m even trying two make my own ragons out of sculpey clay. Well, thats all bye.

  198. joseph says:

    is your 5th book going to be white fire?

  199. Grace says:

    I’ve made some really cool clay dragons thanks to you Chris! They don’t look like your dragons, but Im still trying!

  200. Nick says:

    Hi Chris,
    When I was on your site I saw the cover, it’s the best one yet! I also noticed the summery on the back. I hope Gadzooks doesn’t die!

  201. Grace says:

    I’ve made some progress on my book! Do you like it? The first few pages are farther up.

    Rena tore into her presents with a tad of hysteria. She screamed in joy when she pulled out a stuffed wolf. She hugged it tightly and kissed it on the nose. Lyla smiled. Soon she would open her present. Rena demolished another present to find a new makeup kit. She smiled and set it aside. She still held the stuffed wolf closely to her chest. She tore into another present. Suddenly, Lyla saw it was her present to Rena! Rena finished tearing the paper and started to unwrap the bubble-wrap. When the bubble-wrap fell away Rena touched the small clay wolf. Her eyes glittered. She closed her eyes and an image came to her mind. A small wolf pup, howling to the moon. It’s glittering opal eyes staring at the moon. It’s beautiful tan fur, lifting with the soft breeze. Suddenly, a movement in her hand jolted her to the real world. She stared at the clay wolf. Something was different about it. After a few minutes of staring at it’s face she realised what was different. It’s eyes were open! When she had opened the present the wolf’s eyes had been closed! She gasped and the clay wolf landed in her lap with a thump.

    Lyla smiled with joy. It had worked! The spell had worked! For days and weeks she had been trying to summon a piece of something from her homeland. Finally, she had summoned a piece of whale blubber. The spell wasn’t to hard. All she had to do was find something of her history and merge it with the artifact. Although, she preferred the other way, were she had to summon the spirit of that animal and put it into the object. She shook the annoying thoughts away. Her daughter had had her first encounter with magic and there’s no churning back.

    Rena stared, mouth agape, as the wolf pup slowly closed it’s maw and turned it’s head to stare at Rena. It’s fur was the same color of that in her small vision. The wolf cocked it’s head in confusion. Slowly she picked it up and she dared to stroke it’s spine. She smiled when she felt the rough yet smooth fur under her finger.It was no longer the rough clay that she had felt 10 minutes before. She also felt surprised when she felt a rhythmic thumping coming from it’s chest.

    “Mother… I…I don’t know what to say…” Rena muttered. Lyla smiled. “It’s time you learn about the truth that I have been hiding from you for so many years.” She said with in a soft voice. The wolf thumped it’s tail in Rena’s hand and gave a small yip of joy. Rena smiled as well and she stood up and she walked over to the counter top and set the now real wolf down. “Stay.” She said in a stern and growl-like voice. Rena was surprised to see, as she walked away, that the wolf pup obeyed. “Mother! How… How did I do that? You know… Make it come to life… and… make it understand me?” She asked, her voice filled with mild confusion and slight curiosity. Lyla smiled. “Sit down my child and I shall start to explain with the story you have yet to hear.” She said sweetly. Rena obediently sat down on the couch and turned to stare at her mother.

    ” Once long ago, far away in the Artic, a young child was born. She had coal black hair and amber eyes. Her parents, not having even a fraction of a second to name her, heard the most beautiful and terrifying sound outside camp. A male wolf, howling to the sky. Slowly, more wolves joined in. Their song was like a song being made by the heavens. The parents listened, clutching their small baby to their chests. That was the first thing that little girl ever heard. Suddenly, the wolves song ended. The parents waited, confused by the sudden silence. Then, like a whip through the air, they heard a man’s shout of alarm. “Amarok! Amarok!” The man had shouted. The parents huddled close together in their small tent and waited for the Amarok to descend upon them. They heard something outside their tent. A growling. A snarling. Then silence. The silence was deafening. Then, light filtered through the tent as the flap was pulled open. The parents gasped in fear. A large white wolf stood in front of their wild eyes. The wolf lowered it’s head and slowly trotted forward, growling. The parents were to frightened to notice the pack of wolves outside the tent, surrounding it, or the fact that the wolf was staring at the small bundle the mother held in her arms. The parents, coming out of their wild fear, saw the wolf’s eyes staring at the bundle, nor longer growling. The father cared only for his wife’s life and he tried to wrench the baby free from the mother. The mother wailed and tried to hold on to the now crying baby girl. But the father was stronger, and soon had the baby in his hands. he placed the baby inches from the wolf’s paws and he retreated to his wailing wife. He held her so she wouldn’t bolt forward and grab her baby. The wolf sniffed the bundle and he nosed the cloth covering the baby’s face, so he could see what lay within. A small baby stared up at him. The baby smiled to reveal sharp pointed teeth. The baby made a growling noise and the wolf smiled and briefly wagged his tail before lifting the baby up in his chaws. The baby squealed in delight. The wolf bowed his head to the parents, and he trotted out of the tent. The parents, finally getting over the true terror that had shown on their faces, ran out of the tent to see 10 wolves, lined in a V shape, trotting out of camp, the lead Amarok carrying the little baby in his mouth. The mother cried one last word before the baby disappeared over the hill with the wolves. She said ‘Ulva!’ And so, the baby was named. The husband had not known what she had said. She had spoken in Greek and therefore had been unable to be understood by anyone. But her baby took one last look at her before disappearing with the wolves.”

    Rena stared at her mother, wide eyes. “Tell me more!” She cried, jumping on the couch. Lyla laughed, but shook her head no. “It’s time for you to open the rest of your presents. I will tell you more tomorrow.” She said softly. Rena groaned in obvious impatience and she went back to tearing open her presents, but not with as much enthusiasm as before.

    Chapter 3: The Wolf Child.

  202. Dante says:

    Hi Chris,

    First let me say i am a HUGE fan i love your dragon books The Fire Within, Ice fire,Fire star and The Fire Eternal i was wondering when your new book Dark fire was coming out?


  203. steven says:

    hello, ive been reading this series alot recently, im getting the 4th book soon, but i was hearing rumors a while ago about a 5th book called Dark Star. Is this true?

  204. It’s so nice to see so many people on here. Sorry I haven’t been on for so long. Dark Fire is coming out in 2010, but I’m still not sure of the month. When I find out, I will surely let you know. Hrr!

  205. You are all so nice. Dark Fire comes out in 2010, and the month I’m not sure of. I have t hurry. Good bye!

    • Jess says:

      hey Chris i love your dragon books there the best i cant wait to read the next one, i love the wright storys iv made tow so far i hope to become a Author one day like you.

      P.S your the best author in the world Wooooooo!
      will there be any new polar bears in your new book????
      polar bears are my fav animal.

      jess x

  206. Zaeem says:

    Hi Chris i’m a really huge fan. I’ve read the whole dragons series (well as much that has been released). Every Night I read your books. I can’t wait until”Dark Fire” comes out! Thankfully i have relatives in england which can buy a copy for me and send it to Canada.

  207. [Name Withheld] says:

    Hey, I just finished “The fire eternal,” and I have 2 questions. 1. will you write another book, 2. Will you make a movie at least of “The Fire Within?”

  208. Grace says:

    Hey Chris! I was wondering If I could have some help with a story Im writing! I got the idea from you dragon series!

  209. Rick says:

    I finished the fire eternal the day i bought it… That’s how awesome it was. I couldn’t stop reading until i finally finished it! All your books are great!

  210. Olivia says:

    Hi Chris
    On Wednesday John Hunt came to see you at the library I’m a member of Yr6 and came too! We would like to thankyou for coming from Leicester and we all love your fire and other well written books! Keep on writing! :)

  211. cat says:

    chirs needs a fan site for his dragon books. I absolutly love them!
    WIth the fain and lucy and the Ix, I hope another book come out after the fire eternal. I’m not finished with it yet but it is epic. If anyof the Fire books ever become a movie, I’d be the first one to see it. ^.^

  212. cat says:

    okay by reading previous commentss O.O I can’t wait for Dark fire +_+ awesomeness

  213. Nick says:

    hi cat, i dont know if ur reading this but i wanted 2 tell u that chris’s website is

  214. Elias says:

    Hey, Chris your books are very exciting and i just wanted to tell you that your an awesome writer i like on every one of the fire books comes out with a mystery and lots of adventure i have all your book -s well i mean the fire serious I can’t wait till dark fire comes out. Thanks and keep on writing and once again your an awesome writer.

    • Chris Aldridge or Zero says:

      Hay Chris your rock as a writer best book so far is The Fire Enternal. So keep up your writing and don’t lose site of y u started to write. To inform the world about Global Warming so keep up the fight for the Pangins and polar bears. And your greatest fan Chris Aldridge. (^_^)

  215. matt says:

    omg! i read the fire within,icefire,firestar and the fire eternal over and over!!!! IM HOOKED! i actualy almost (almost ;) cried at the end of firestar!! :(:(:(
    when will dark fire come out in new zealand?!?!?!?! I WANNA KNOW!!!! also is there gunna be another one after dark fire?
    #1 fan

  216. matt says:

    hey chris like grace i’m making a book aswell
    so far i’ve had some advice from another author but i was wondering if you could give me some tips aswell? its not the same genre as yours but it’s worth a try
    heres what i’ve done so far


    Alister 45
    Alister is an archeologist living in England in 1985

    Sarah: Alisters wife 43
    A zoologist

    Rhian: 20 turning 21
    Alister’s and Sarah’s eldest son

    Jonia: Rhians girlfriend 20

    Jeremy: 16
    Youngest son

    A group of Spanish outlaws bent on stealing priceless artifacts from museums

    Nomando: the boss of malvado

    At the start of the story Sarah is away in south Africa doing field work along with Rhian and Rhian’s girlfriend (who he plans on proposing to on their return to England) Jonia.
    Alister and Jeremy are in still in England
    Alister is preparing on leaving to the amazon jungle (with Jeremy who wishes to follow in his fathers footsteps) to look for some ancient ruins. When they finally get there and find the ruins, and after hours of searching through the dead ends and the halls that lead in circles they stumble across a small room with a small box inside. Inside the box is a small purple jewel. When Alister picks up the jewel pain erupts in the back of his head and he has a vision of his family standing together. When he wakes up he finds himself lying on the floor, so he returns the jewel to the box and leaves the room, but on his way out he can’t fight the urge to return to the room with the jewel so he runs back and takes the jewel and puts it in his bag and sets off. On his way out he notices the jewel glowing slightly but pays no attention because he has the feeling something is about to happen.
    When they get out of the temple Jeremy spots a black helicopter landing in the clearing around the temple and 10 men in black suits emerge from the copter and walk towards the temple. Alister then gets the feeling these men are not good news so they return to the maze inside the temple and try to find another way out. While stumbling around in the dark Jeremy suddenly feels the stone next to him move and the whole wall turns around and traps him in a small room with jars and baskets scattering the floor. The wall behind him is completely sealed shut and there is no other way out. Then Jeremy suddenly grips the situation and fear ripples through his body; the air inside the room is slowly being used up and there is now no way to get out.

    Alister is now getting impatient. He knew that the Aztecs had secret rooms and exits but where? Suddenly he hears voices from down by the entrance and realizes he must find an exit soon or he will be discovered. Then just as he’s about to give up a stone gives way a little and, with a little push it falls away leaving a small size hole in the wall. One by one the stones fall away leaving a hole big enough for him to exit. Now he is very exited and turns around to where his son was right behind him a minuet ago. Nothing. Now Alister is very worried. Where could Jeremy have got to? So he reluctantly creeps back down the hall hoping to find his son. He does however run into someone but it’s not his son, it’s Nomando, leader of the outlaw gang that steals artifacts from museums.

    Jeremy is now comfronted with a problem: how to get out of the room he is trapped in before the air inside runs out. He searches around to see if there is a hammer or something to break away at the door but all he finds is a suspicious looking powder in the vases and some herbs in the baskets. Jeremy can do nothing but slump in the corner and hope of some miracle to save him. Then he gets a brainwave, he remembers a chemistry lesson at school on flammability, so he collects all of the powder he can find and mounds it into a pile by the wall and looks around for a torch to light the powder. Holding the flame at arms reach he lights the trail and watches the flame race down the trail and ignites the mound of powder and jumps back as the powder ignites. As the smoke clears he steps closer to see if it has worked. To his dismay he finds that the explosion has only singed the stone where the powder ignited. All he can do now is wait until he is found or until the air runs out. Also he remembers his teacher at school telling the class that a flame can only be lit if there is oxygen in the room because the flame burns up the oxygen, so he blows out the torches so the air will last a little while longer.

    Alister is now very anxious. He is in the hands of a very dangerous criminal and his son is missing somewhere inside the temple. The man is demanding the jewel but Alister tells the man he has no idea what he is talking about and is here just for the ruins. The man obviously doesn’t believe him but is impatient to get the jewel so he drops him down and tells him if he ever sees his face here again then he has a bullet with his name on it. Alister takes his advice and heads for the exit and makes his way back to camp dreading to think what could have happened to Jeremy.

    When he gets to his campsite he’s so tired he forgets all about the jewel in his bag until late at night he is woken by voices outside his tent and then is hauled to his feet by some very strong hands and a gun is pressed under his chin. Then a Spanish voice asks him where the jewel is, Alister is so dazed all he can do is stare at this man pointing a gun in his face. At this point the Spanish man is getting very angry so he flys a punch into Alisters jaw, knocking him to the ground. Then the voice asks him again in Spanish this time “Es la joya que me dicen ahora” (which translates to “where is the jewel, tell me now”)
    Seeing that he is getting no answer from him, the Spanish man drops Alister to the ground and trashes his campsite turning everything upside down or destroying, including setting fire to his tent and letting a few bullets to his jeep, then return to the helicopter and taking off leaving him with just these words “we shall return for the jewel”

    Next morning Alister wakes up with a massive headache and a nasty purple bruise on his cheek and then all the memories of the night before come flooding back including finding the jewel and taking it from the temple. He then decides to get rid of the jewel thinking it’s brining him badluck so he walks to his jeep and sees that it’s in no working order so he walks back through the dense jungle hoping to find his way back to the temple before darkness falls, but on his way he is bitten by a passing snake and soon his vision blurs and faints just in time to see some figures coming his way.
    When he wakes he finds himself starring face to face with a very angry looking tribal native holding a wooden bowl to his lips saying “drin, you fel beta” thinking this is a dream he takes a sip of the liquid only to spit it out again and then finds out it’s anaconda blood mixed with crushed ferns. The native is now looking angrier and says, “You bitten by snak you musd drin.” So he takes a big sip and struggles to swallow the foul medicine. Then he hears shouts from outside the hut and leans over to see a group of hunters enter the village holding his bag and pointing in his direction then slowly bring out the jewel. There’s shouts coming from all the hunters now and the one holding the jewel drops it runs to the back of the crowd. Then a big man with feathers all around his head (who he takes to be the chief) enters the circle and takes a look at the jewel slightly glowing on the sandy floor. Then he turns to face Alister (who has now gone over to see what all the fuss is about) and speaks to him in fluent English (much to Alisters surprise) “where did you get this?” Alister replies and gives the chief the whole story of how he came into possession of the jewel and asks what all the fuss is about. The chief takes him into a hut and tells him the story of how the jewel came to be.

    Long ago a god named Itzli created a jewel so that if any human came into contact with it they would see what they hold closest to them but if they came into contact with it a second time they would be destroyed.
    Then the chief tells him he must return the jewel before Itzli finds out and seek revenge on the one who took his treasure.

    Then Alister asks the chief if he has seen a boy of around 16 years old and to his surprise the chief takes him to a hut that inside is Jeremy tied to a post at the back. Apparently he was caught in the temple trespassing and taken prisoner. Alister then asks the chief to let him go but the chief tells him that trespassing on the temple is a penalty of death. So Alister explains to the chief about Nomando and his gang and so the chief tells the guards to untie Jeremy and let him go.
    So Alister and Jeremy set off (with a guide to help him get back to the temple) to return the jewel to the small room in the temple.
    On their return to the temple they notices the same men who attacked Alister the night before standing guard by the temple entrance. Remembering exit he made the day before they sneak around and find their way up to the small room. Just as they’re about to turn the corner he hears voices and sees Nomando and some other men inside the room. Thinking he needs a distraction he kicks a stone across the hall and pulls Jeremy behind the door holding the slightly glowing bag to his chest. As soon as the men slowly walk out he rushes in returns the bag and rushes out only to trip and fall to the floor because the whole temple starts to rumble and shake. The men outside in the hall start crying out with terror as stones start to fall from the ceiling. Alister decides to make a hasty exit from the collapsing temple but on their way out they run into Nomado and his men who are getting out as fast as possible. Alister spins around and heads for the exit he made the day before to be followed by bullets heading his way only to bounce off of the walls. With stones falling everywhere they put on an extra burst of speed and shoot out of the exit just as the temple collapses. Alister is getting his breath back when he feels a tap on his shoulder and looks up to see Jeremy pointing to something in the sky, he follows his finger and to his dread sees a black helicopter flying away into the distance.

    England 1986. 6 months after return from the Amazon

    Alister is sitting at home in the living room enjoying a cup of tea and enjoying the company of his family and his new daughter-in-law when he hears a low humming coming from outside. Curious he gets up and looks out the window. In the distance is a black helicopter heading for the mansion. Remembering his experience with Malvado 6 months ago he hastily gets his family in the basement, but just as he is about to close the door a crash comes from the hallway and men in black suits stream in and grab him by the shoulders and haul him up, including his family. Nomando comes in through the door with a horrible smile on his face.
    Nomando is now very angry with Alister for losing the jewel and commands Alister to help them find it again. Alister refuses and much to his surprise they drop him to the ground and leave without a word. After a few minuets Alsiter picks himself up and looks for his family.
    Sarah: check
    Rhian: check
    Jonia: check

    you like?
    plz email me your answer if you can i’d love to hear from you!!!!!!
    #1 fan matt
    bye! (for now) :):):)

  217. Grace says:

    I think it’s pretty cool. How you write it though is sort of strange. It’s like someone else is there recording it while watching the characters.

  218. Person Guy says:

    YOU ARE THE BEST AUTHOR EVER!!!!! I’d say by now, my favorite dragon would be G’reth, or G’lant. Anyway, I just thought it was sort of odd that when the series started, David knew nothing of magical stuff, and couldn’t write to save his life. Now, he’s this all knowing bestselling novelist. By the way, any plans for a movie? (Or 2… Or 4…) PLEASE RESPOND!!!! Okay, I think I’ve said just about everything I wanted to.

  219. Anthony says:

    Wwhen will chris D’Laceys Darkfire come out?

  220. matt says:

    i’d like to know the same thing

  221. tim says:

    i would like to know the same ?

  222. Jessica says:

    hi i read your dragon books i only need to read the fire eternal!
    But how HOW could you kill DAVID!!!!!\
    YOU KILLED HIM I MEAN COME ON HE WAS LIKE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER!!! im sorry but im just really sad you kileed him
    and you just HAD to make arthur lizzes true love BLIND
    i mean make another book and make david come backa alive or something
    and alexa davids kid well she just isitn awesome even if i dont know about her
    is all the people from tthe other books will they still be in the fire eternal cuz i have to finish alot of booksm before i can read it!!!
    write back

  223. Tim says:

    Hey chris i lova ya books can ya email me & chat & stuff I LOVE THE BOOKS MAN THEY AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!! [contact details withheld] is my E-mail write back soon

  224. Tim Radmore says:

    o ya the comment 231 is me also sry didnt see the other tim in comments kk @(^.^)@

  225. Tim Radmore says:

    [contact details withheld] is my email chris plz email me i really wana talk to you your my fav author plz call me

  226. BBOO says:

    JULY 2nd 2009 is the UK release, sometime in 2010 for a ww release

  227. Eliza Huff says:

    So, yeah, great series! Just finished The Fire Eternal yesterday (April 23rd, 2009). GLAD to hear that there will be another story; it wouldn’t have made sense leaving it where it was. ^_^
    THANK YOU FOR YOUR DRAGON SERIES! I love dragons and they appear a lot in my own writing. My favorite of the dragons was Gwillan, I think, so I was sad that he cried his tear. But I hope that David saves him. *nods* What would Liz be without him!?
    Anyway, thank you again for your series. It’s been a great inspriation (much like the Twilight Saga is to me) and has helped me begin my own dragon story (though it combines dragons and vampires).

    A fan,
    Eliza M. Huff

  228. I read all of your books. Yet, The Fire Eternal ended kind of abruptly. You should write another leading the life of David now that he is back. It should also includ more of a plot including what happened to the darklings. You should also have liz make herself another dragon. Thank you.

  229. Mark Madormo says:

    sup it me again ive tried chris dlaceys books there pretty good not like those baby stories my 3rd grade teacher read me gtg time for me to go get lunch

  230. Mark Madormo says:

    dude serouisly you should read these there rad books but u need a little more violence in the fire star i dont like it when it swiches from person to person. im only like on pg.199 its pretty good.

  231. Abby says:

    i absolutely love your books and i even cry reading them.i can’t wait for darkfire.wond what its about.but i REALLY want them to be a know that guy from 7th heaven.the oldest boy with brown real life his name i berry.thats who i imagine david as.and if you make a movie please consider the actor thing.liz is one of my moms friends and lucy…i’m not sure because i imagine her with medium length blonde hair with bangs that covor her eyes thats why i don’t know!bye a luv your books

  232. Luv all the books!! says:

    Yeah that is true u should so make it a movie. i love all the books so much and as im writing this ive got 1 of the books beside me. when u read this can u plz tell me a bit about dark fire. i am going crazy to read it. plz plz plz make the books into a movie. cause im in australai can u tell me when (if u know) it will be out.

  233. Jad says:

    I love all his books! i read them all, i mean the fire within series lol. Amazing

  234. Morgan says:

    I was just wondering if you had any thoughs of a movie if there was a movie I would love to see it.

  235. Marisa says:

    I love your book I ‘m going to get the whole fire within series.Even the new one dark fire.Are you going to write another after that because that would be amazing!

  236. Erin says:

    Hi Chris! i I love your book The fire Eternal. its the best! are you writing another book? i hope you do because i want to learn more about David! hes my favorite :]

  237. Gadzooks96fan says:

    OMG! There are more! I only have
    The fire within: FINISHED
    Icefire: WORKING ON IT
    I need
    Fire Eternal, And Dark Fire. Are there more after Dark fire?!?!?

    PS: I…L.O.V.E.Y.O.U.R.S.T.O.R.I.E.S.A.L.O.T.G.O.S.H.D.A.N.G.I.T!
    THEY ROCK! So, Are there more after ‘Dark Fire”?!?! Please answer, either Chris D Lacy, Or someone who knows about the series and has finished this AMAZING novel.

  238. Sarah says:

    Hi, I’m not such a huge fan, but i still think your books are great, at first i didnt think i would like it because i’m not much of a dragon fan. But when i finished the fire within, i just HAD to keep reading. I just wanted to know a bit about dark fire. I was reading through the comments. And ive just finished reading the fire eternal so, im really curious.

  239. cheryle says:

    Hi chris ,
    well so far i have read all of your books including Dark fire ,which i am currently 416 pages into i love dragons i have several of them in the house and i have enjoyed every one of them . my age is older than most of your readers , but when you like dragons like i do I am sure it doesnt matter how old you are .. the books are great for me to escape to when my kids are bugging me, they have also read your books and am waiting for me to finish with dark star . my childrens teachers have even read them and think they are great the best part is yours and christophers are ones you cant stop freading till you have come to the end .. ? when will the next one come out , juding by the ending of this one theres more too come in another book… please tell me there is more to come

  240. hrrrr says:

    i have the whole series and this is the 3rd or 4th time ive read it

  241. Amy says:

    i have the whole series too. I was wondering… if mayber you could make a fifth book? The way the last one ends i think that there should be more of it.

  242. Not that crazy fan (NJ) says:

    First off I would like to say some of you people on here are freaks with no life especially the person who said every time they blink they see Gawain or Gawain’s fire tear, GET A LIFE! Secondly Chris, I like your books I haven’t read the Fire Eternal yet but I was not happy about David, But after reading some things I’m a little happier but please don’t try to replace David. And another thing why in the name of all that is holy did you replaced Sophie with a crazy goth girl and I don’t think it is appropriate that Zanna is carrying David’s child, I thought you were suppose to be writing a children’s book.
    I’m not trying to be mean I’m just telling you what I think, Don’t get me wrong I love your books and it would be cool if their was a dragon fight in one. And just to reinforce I love you book

    Sincerely, NJ
    PS If you would like to do something dramatic think about killing Zanna :)?

    • Upset Reader says:

      Dear NJ
      ARE U CRAZY????!?!?!????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

      Zanna is awsome! And when U read The Fire Eternal U will proabally crie.
      Also are U happy that David died? And what is wrong with Zanna having Davids kid? She is awsome!!!!!!!!!!????????!?!?!?!?!?!? I didn’t like her. Well I liked her, but she was too… PERFECT!!!!!!!!!! Seriosly dude you are really demented!!!

  243. Timmy Lent says:

    Hey when is the the next book after Dark Fire coming out? I LOVE the Fire series. It makes me wanna read page after page of excitement. Please keep writing these books!!

  244. Jessica says:

    Hi there!
    I love all of the books I have read so far! I am up to the Fire Eternal, and I can’t wait to finish it and read Darkfire! I think I have said all I want to say, for some reason I am never sure haha. Anyway the books are the best! Is there any plans for a movie because if there is I am sure it would be AWESOME and I will try my best to be the first person in Queensland to get a ticket! Now I think I have said eveything. (note I think…haha)

  245. Not that crazy fan (NJ) says:

    I started the Fire Eternal today it’s pretty good so far. Chris, I know what you think of my last comment

  246. matthew says:

    hey chris, I’m a HUGE fan of your books, and read them every other month. I was wondering about the latest new on whether or not a movie was coming out.


    PS:are you going to continue the series after dark fire?
    PSS: please do!!! =]

  247. Sabrina says:

    Dear Chris, I love your books!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve read all of your dragon books at least five or six times. I love the end of The Fire Eternal!! I cried I was so happy!!!! Right now I have by Best Friend Neil over. We are eating Mac and Cheese. ( although you probally don’t care ) Back to dragons. I love dragons. I make them myself out of clay. Sadly they don’t come to life. I would like to be a part time Writer when I am older. I don’t know if I would like to right about dragons. I love to write. How do U write without getting bourd about what you are writing? What is DarkFire about? And who is Sam? do you kill anyone else? Can you warm me if there is at least one person ( or thing ) because then when I read the book I can have a tisue box beside me!!!

    Well I have to go. Oh what is your cat’s name? My cat’s name is Mowie and Lizzy. Mowie is a 3 year old tabby cat. Lizzy is a fat, black cat who is 7 years old. Oh well e-mail you soon!!!!!!!!!


  248. Sabrina says:

    Dear Chris I am making a new dragon for my collection. I have not made as much as Liz. I also can not make a dragon with my eyes closed. I have a question. In the pictures on the internet Gadzooks is in your hand. Who made your Gadzooks? And how did Liz make all the scales? Also in the book, you never mention Liz painting any of the dragons. Back to me. My friend (NEil) made a dragon. His name is Fragon. He is a green tree dragon. His spikes are a lighter green then the rest of his body. He is bigger than most dragons and has a long neck. His tail is long and curled up like a rattle snake. My special dragon is named Tsrif (but it is pranonsed Srif) and he is red. There is also Tackli. He is a Ice dragon. He is light blue with big wings. There is his son Mystaltee. He is a snow dragon. He is blue with a coat of watery white paint. My friend also has made lots of dragons. I have some comments on FireStar. To me the part where the bears are walking wasn’t as exiting as the end. In DarkFire, will it be really creepy? Because the cover has the gargoyal that Lucy made. Also I’ve noticed that in the first three books Lucy is kind of a brat. And in the Fire Eternal she is kind of snobby. And how did Zanna go coo-coo in FireStar? She was just with the bears and somehow she can make rocks into dragons. Anyways, I love your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  249. Sabrina says:

    PLEASE DO NOT KILL ZANNA LIKE WHAT THAT OTHER KID SAID. Zanna is so awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is nice, interesting, and also she can see dragons. SO DO NOT KILL ZANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is more writing.
    P.s What was with what Lucy did to her mom?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


  250. Chris!

    I’m stunned! Your world of Gaia-connected guardian dragons stops me in my tracks! They came out of your computer, but my head! Okay, apparently your head, too, or perhaps the Akashic field or something, but really, it’s just as if you reached right into a special part of my mind, (and life), and found my secret joy! Incredible!

    Has that ever happened to you? I mean, you start reading something and go, “Hey! That’s what I thought/felt/created/know-to-be-my-truth!”?

    Well, Buster, that’s a stunner, that’s what that is! And you’ve done it! If I didn’t know for a fact that I am not you, and that I am a woman AND I am 5 years older than you, not to mention I live in the US, well, then I would be profoundly confused. I would have to pinch myself, run to the mirror and make sure I still looked like me, by golly!

    We aren’t the same soul split in two, are we? (How weird would that be? I mean, I’m married and have no children, but my husband is a man, and I’m sure your wife is a woman, so how would this split-soul, two-lives, same-person idea work out, – given these circumstances?!!!)

    Okay, well, I’m certain you at least get the gist of my consternation here. (Wonder if you will ever see these words at all?….)

    Oh, and thanks for actually writing and getting the stories out into the world in a complete, delightful, form, rather than the amorphous miasma that floats around in my head. The world, (our magnificent Gaia), sorely needs them, will truly benefit and definitely be better for them.

    So, if you do happen upon this, would you kindly let me know that you are not me, or I not you or, goodness, if we are strangely the same soul living two different lives???? It would be most appreciated.

    In consternation and great gratitude,

    Shawn Leimbach

  251. noah keller says:

    hi i was wondering how many books are in the series, i know the first one is the fire within. Is dark fire apart of that series and are there more books coming out with that series.

  252. Logan says:

    Just a couple of days ago i finished darkfire at the end of the book it said:

    *** To be continued………***

    and I am wondering if you are coming out with a 6th book and what it is going to called and when it is coming out I just love your series it is the best series I have ever read you are awesome

  253. Christian (wanna be writer) says:

    Hi chris! I love ur books and I have heard from zookies notepad that the series will end on the seventh book, i don’t want the series to end! My friend and i are obsessed with your books (the last dragon chronicles) and are really excited about fire world coming out. To everyone fire word starts with david aged 12 apparently. Any news about the books becoming movies?

  254. Christian (wanna be writer) says:

    Chris the way you write your books is inspirationel and you are definitley in my top three favourite authors (between Anthony Horowitz, J.k Rowling and you for 1st) but there is one thing that bothers me, David. In Dark fire you have changed what he was like as if he is completley alien and he is sort of emotionless, I liked him more before he knew he was fain and he was just sort of normal.

  255. jessica wilson says:

    i just wanted 2 tell u that
    ur books r the best i carnt wait 2
    read the nxt i i bet its gonna be good
    and probs even better than the others im
    so happy that david is comin back so he can
    be we zanna when she has his baby oh and i
    just wanted 2 no how many books r u gonna do
    because i want 2 get them all i luv u ur the best

  256. alexa says:

    I love your books
    I ve read all 4 of your books they are the best dragon books in the world
    you are a very very awsome author
    I hope you make more and more dragon books
    i wish i can meet you
    Oh Yeah i almost forgot
    i am 11 years old
    and live in oakland 94602

  257. Nina says:

    Omg I haven’t read any of your books but you came to my school today and your accent is sooooooooo hot!!!!

  258. Lucas says:

    I love all the books. They were really well done. Dark Fire was epic, but I’m having a hard time with it because I’m not getting the ending. I hope Chris d’Lacey can write something short explaining what happened at the end of Dark Fire, or if someone else could explain to me what happened. =)

  259. Erin says:

    I’ve been wondering is or will The Fire Within a movie?
    I’ve read The Fire Within and Icefire and I’m reading Fire Star. I love these books. Gruffen is my favorite dragon.
    Ops. I’m getting carried away. Sorry. I’ve got one mote question are you writing any more books after Fire World?


  260. Brittney says:

    I really love these books im currently reading Dark Fire and hoping i will be able to buy ur new release Fir World it was published on me b day.i am collecting all the dragon books in that serice i hope they make moveis i am sure ill be the first to buy them all.ima big fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  261. Brittney says:

    i mean fire world

  262. Brittney says:

    u should make a dragon called Oceana or Aqua

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  4. […] [Interview] Chris d’Lacey, Author of Fire Star. […]

  5. […] [Interview] Chris d’Lacey, Author of Fire Star. […]

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